Greetings Dwellers,
It's been a while since we've made an announcement regarding the next Beta and I wanted to provide everyone a quick update on where we are at. The Staff Team has reviewed all of the feedback from Beta 3.0, placing it on our story board for the Development Team, to begin working on the changes that are necessary to release Beta 4.0 to the community. Additionally, the Faction Management Team went over the feedback and has implemented some new changes for Factions this upcoming Beta. After the Development Team received taskings from the Story Board they went right to work editing Mod Configs, Map Edits, New Mods, Gameplay Loop, and Quality of Life Updates. Some of items that have been completed are listed below along with some of our outstanding tasks before the next Beta release. Thank you for everyone who has supported the community and we are looking forward to bringing you the next Beta for you all to continue your storylines!
- Updated Types.xml
- New MapGroupPos & MapGroupProto
- Mushroom spawning modified (Will be adjusted once Beta is released)
- New mutants implemented
- Modified mutants (Demon, Spitter, & Bolter)
- Adjusted T2 and T3 loot
- Frontline modifications (more dangerous)
- Additional gasmasks, improvised filters, and radiation areas
- Retextures
- Riga Station
- Alexjewskaya Station
- VDNKH Station
- Additional tunnels for new stations
- Small villages added in tunnels (x2)
- New Redline Station
- Ground work for Polis Station started
- General bug fixes
- Fixed flying objects in Reich Station
- Lighting made a bit better
- Ores added to map for mining
- Piles of planks added to the surface
- Traders clothing modified
- Rebalance pricing (ongoing)
- ZenVirus
- GM-Mods Canning Food
- MMG Collectable Items
- ZenCauseofDeath
- Immersive Placing
- GM-Mods Homemade Grenades
- DayZOresAndGems
- Ammo Making (Updated)
- (Traders) New items added from mods
- (Crafting) New items added from mods
- Testing new DayZ underground lighting
- Passport Mod
- Quest Mod
- Additional quests/jobs/activities for station life
- Bulletin board
- New RP items for crafting
- More secret keycard rooms
We look forward to continuing development for the server and further the community into the next Beta release.
Thank you, we'll see you soon in the Metro!
-Randy & Divined